The Southern C Summit Giveaway


Here’s the skinny- The Southern C is The Social Network for the South. An online community where members chat about all aspects of the South: tradition, family, fashion, food… You get the idea. As a member of their C-Team, I’m giving away a free ticket to one of my lucky readers to the next summit event in the Music City- Nasvhville, Tennessee!


The first summit was in my hometown backyard of Jekyll Island; the second in the Classic City: Athens, Georgia where I lived for several years. Both were fantastic- a great blend of work and play with learning sessions, networking, cocktail parties, and even live music. Now that I’m living outside the South, I feel even more excited about #tscsummit Nashville because I get to return to the South and explore a new town!

Screen shot 2013-09-02 at 10.45.18 AM

So…if you have a blog, biz, or brand and want to learn from professionals like Amy Flurry of Recipe for Press, hob nob with Southern Living’s Editor in Chief Lindsay Bierman, eat some tasty Southern food from Callie’s Charleston Biscuits and Husk Restaurant, then enter this giveaway!

First: Join The Southern C!


Next: Leave a comment below telling me why you want to come to The Southern C Summit in Nashville! You can also leave a comment on my facebook page or tweet to me @emsontheroad with tag #tscsummit!

Contest ends September 27!

Need more reasons to come to The Southern C Summit? Here are 10!

Visit for full schedule and presenter info!

tscsummitThis giveaway includes a ticket for admission to The Southern C Summit Nashville, October 17, 2013. It is not transferable to any future summit events and cannot be redeemed for cash.


Love Letter

The South

via pinterest

I’m currently en route to what will soon be the frozen tundra- otherwise known as Bloomington, Indiana. With nothing to do but write on this long trip, I thought I’d share my love letter to the South.  

To the South:

Thank you for always having grits on the menu.

Thank you for beautiful architecture with years of stories built into the walls.

Thanks for always having actual pulled pork bbq at a Barbecue.

Thank you for rich Southern traditions, the normal and the not-so.

Thank you for sweet gardenias and camellias.

Thank you for big and LOUD families…like mine. 

Thankful that cocktail time, is pretty much anytime (note the aforementioned).

Thank you for hot summer nights and homemade peach ice cream.

Thank you for backroads through pecan orchards.

Thank you for small towns full of big characters.

I can’t believe I’m leaving you but I know I will be back soon!




Friday Five #7

Five summer music festivals I want to check out…

5. Sunflower River Blues and Gospel Festival– Clarksdale MS

sunflower blues fest

After countless hours of research on the Delta Blues for my thesis last year, I am dying to visit this area of Mississippi and hear its famous sound.  Supposed to be one of the best!

4. Aiken Bluegrass Festival- Aiken, SC

aiken bluegrass

I saw Larry Keel recently in Athens and it reminded me how much I love seeing live bluegrass music. This one if happening this weekend so I definitely won’t make it but I will in the future!

4. The Hangout Music Festival- Gulf Shores, AL

hangout fest

Music fest on the beach…yes please! The lineup is pretty awesome too. Check it out!

3. AthFest- Athens, GA


Hard not to love a music and arts fest happening down the street from where you live! And all the proceeds go towards a worthy cause… The AthFest Music Festival is a fundraiser produced by local nonprofit AthFest Educates. The money we earn is used to fulfill our mission statement: AthFest Educates inspires, engages, and educates the youth and adults of Athens in music and arts by providing sustained funding for programs and initiatives through events that showcase the community’s talent.

1. Forecastle Festival– Louisville, KY

forecastle fest

I know this isn’t a new festival but new to me… With names like these on their lineup it is no surprise that it was named as on of the top festivals of 2012 by Rolling Stone Magazine.  The Black Keys and the Alabama Shakes on the same night in the same city- SOLD!

Have a great weekend y’all!

Cacao Atlanta

I love my husband but I sometimes feel like I’m having an affair with the tall dark and handsome 70% cacao bars I buy. I’m an extreme chocoholic. I’m not at all embarrassed by this affliction- I celebrate it (perhaps too often but you only live once).

cacao atlanta

A few nights ago in Buckhead, en route to Fellini’s Pizza, I spotted Cacao. I am a sucker for a chocolate shop, let alone a charming French patisserie inspired shop…clean and bright, filled with decadent delights. I stopped cold in my tracks- staring (drooling), and said to my mother- “I know where I’ll be at 11am tomorrow.”

cacao atlanta

The next day before hittin’ the road back to Athens, we ran across the street to Cacao for a quick trip to Paris by way of the South. We were welcomed by a pleasant aroma of rich coffee and sweet/bitter chocolate…heavenly. We had a great time chatting with Tricia about the history of the shop and learning about each and every product. The owner/creator Kristen Hard, a classically trained French pastry chef, fell hard for the cacao bean working as a chef around the world and thankfully brought her passion back to the South.

cacao atlanta

Tricia got us started off with some sipping chocolate (divine) and walked us through the different goodies lining the walls. My mother (a packaging junkie) spotted some adorable baskets in the corner used for creating one of a kind gift baskets, so we decided that was the best option. Having a total “Treat Yo Self” moment (Parks and Rec anyone?), I began grabbing anything that peaked my interest. Being a self-proclaimed chocolate connoisseur, I picked up quite the basket.

cacao atlanta

I love how most items are inspired by Southern desserts or flavors…pecan pie truffles, mint julep truffles, Coca-Cola truffles, homemade oatmeal cream pies, cocoa-nib peanut brittle (oh yea). The shop’s commitment to sustainability is also impressive. Each piece of chocolate is hand crafted with the highest quality organic ingredients while honoring the traditional chocolate making processes and everything in the entire store is made in Georgia, with the exception of herbal teas offered on the menu. The Cacao shop in Buckhead also offers – Honeysuckle Gelato– Southern inspired gelato based in Atlanta!

cacao atlanta


cacao atlanta

The decor is sweet and simple and very French. A white and grey palette punctuated by the rich colors of the chocolate and other treats. The art instillation above the cafe tables is equally stunning. Created for their Valentine’s Day celebration, the lovebirds and tiny paper hearts make for a beautiful centerpiece in the shop.

cacao atlanta

cacao atlanta

sweet success

To top off our decadent morning we had to try something from the esspresso lab. I opted for the Shakerato- 3 shots of espresso and vanilla syrup shaken over ice. Buzz buzz y’all.

cacao atlanta

cacao atlanta

A tisket a tasket, I got a chocolate basket!

Since my Cacao visit, I’ve slowly sampled my goodies- or hoarding them if you will. I want to hold on to the dark chocolate goodness as long as I possibly can- or until I reorder them online (bless online shopping)! Stop by one of their three shops in the ATL immediately or visit their online store to get your cacao fix!

Cacao Atlanta- Cacao on Facebook Cacao Twitter

Friday Five # 4

Bring on the heat!  These are some of my favorite Southern beers that will keep you cool this Spring and Summer. Cheers y’all!

5. Endless River: Mother Earth Brewing- Kinston, NC


A clean, crisp beer, Kolsch offers a very slight fruity flavor and aroma. Light body with a little tang- perfect for a river paddle.

4. Watermelon Wheat (coming in May)- Tin Roof Brewing Co- Baton Rouge, LA


I was able to sample this beer at the Natchez Food and Wine Fest last summer and loved it.  Light, refreshing, and screams spring/summer with the hint of watermelon.

3. Citra Rye Pale Ale: Westbrook Brewing Co- Mt. Pleasant, SC


This beer is only available on tap so its a must try if you find it!  It has some crazy tropical fruit flavors and aromatics – think mango, pineapple, and passionfruit. YUM.

2. Lil Hump Spring Ale: Highland Brewing Co.- Asheville, NC


I love this beer because it is flavorful but is designed as a “session” ale so the ABV is lower.  Commercial description: “This American Pale Ale is a refreshing session beer meticulously handcrafted with a unique Highland twist. Brewed with grains from America’s heartland, using Simcoe hops for bittering and dry hopped with Amarillo and Cascade for aromatics, this beer finishes crisp and clean. It is a plate pleasing seasonal experience.”

1. Abita Strawberry: Abita Brewing Co.- Convington, LA


Doesn’t get more springtime then a strawberry laager!  I love love love this beer.  So light and crisp with a delicious fruity flavor from real Louisiana strawberries. Get it while you can!


Friday Five #3


5. Telfair Museum

Telfair Museum

image via Telfair Museums

Since opening its doors to the public in 1880s, the museum has grown from a renovated family mansion into a distinguished cultural institution boasting three architecturally-significant buildings and a permanent collection of approximately 4,000 works of art from America and Europe, dating primarily from the 18th-21st centuries. Located in Savannah’s historic district, the museum consists of the Telfair Academy and the Owens-Thomas House two circa 1820 National Historic Landmark buildings and the contemporary Jepson Center. It is the oldest public art museum in the Southeast.  I’m dying to see the The Art of Seating: 200 Years of American Design.

4. Georgia Museum of Art


image via Athens: Life Unleashed

The Georgia Museum of Art opened in 1948 and is the official state museum of art. The museum offers programming for patrons of all ages and free admission to the public for all exhibitions. The museum strives, most of all, to fulfill the legacy of its founder, Alfred Heber Holbrook, and provide art for everyone, removing barriers to accessibility and seeking to foster an open, educational and inspiring environment for students, scholars and the general public. I love the modern building it is housed in now…it makes for an interesting change given the majority of classical style architecture throughout UGA’s campus.

I always enjoy their permenant collection, especially the decorative arts. I’m looking forward to seeing the William H. Johnson exhibit this spring.

William H Johnson

image via GMOA

3. National Gallery of Art

National Gallery of Art

image via Visiting D.C.

Some people might not consider D.C. in the South but technically it is South of the Mason Dixon… I visited Washington D.C. in fifth grade and being the nerdy child I was (and still am), dragged my family to every possible museum I could.  The National Gallery exposed me many artists I had never seen in person…Rothko, Oldenburg, Calder, Lichenstein, Warhol, Matisse and many others.  I remember feeling confused yet ultimately intrigued by the what I saw. In retrospect, my visit to the National Gallery inspired me to seek out/study art.

2. Birmingham Museum of Art

Birmingham Museum of Art

image via Destination Nexus

The Birmingham Museum of Art (BMA) will always be one of my favorites.  I grew up going here when visiting family in Bham and spent countless hours here while in my art history program at Birmingham Southern College.  Their collection of American Art is fabulous, with the portrait of Lady Helen Vincent, Viscountess d’Abernon by John Singer Sargent being one of my favorites.

Birmingham Museum of Art

image via BMA

In 2012, the BMA organized an incredible exhibit entitled The Look of Love: Eye Miniatures from the Skier Collection.  It was the first major exhibition of lover’s eye jewelry.  I was lucky to catch the exhibit while on view at the Georgia Museum of Art.  Stunning.

Look of Love

image via BMA

Here is a little backstory about the lover’s eye jewelry…

Exquisite in craftsmanship, unique in detail, and few in number, lover’s eye miniatures are small-scale portraits of individual eyes set into various forms of jewelry from late 18th- and early 19th-century England. Featuring an impressive 98 pieces, the collection is considered to be the largest of its kind, with only 1,000 lover’s eye miniatures thought to be in existence worldwide. Part of a trend that began with Britain’s Prince of Wales (later George IV), clandestine lovers exchanged these customized tokens depicting one another’s eyes, as such a feature might only be recognized by persons of the most intimate familiarity. Thus, behind the skilled artistry with which each of these tiny portraits was painted, lie the enchanting stories of secret romance and love lost, which inspired the creation of this popular, albeit short-lived fashion.
1. High Museum of Art

High Museum


It should come as no surprise that the High Museum is at the top of the list. With an incredible calendar of exhibits throughout the year and an impressive permanent collection, I love visiting The High.  I can’t wait to visit this spring to see Friday & Diego: Passion, Politics, and Painting and Gogo: Nature Transformed.

Frida &Diego

image via High Museum


 Happy Friday y’all!

The Southern Coterie- TSC

One of my many professional hats is working as social media coordinator for The Southern C- the social network for the South. Today the network creators, Whitney and Cheri, were featured on Southern Living’s Daily South! So exciting! We are gearing up for our Southern C Summit in May so check out our website for more info.