Eat Well Travel Often: New Orleans, Louisiana

Eat Well Travel Often: New Orleans, Louisiana

Love Letter

The South

via pinterest

I’m currently en route to what will soon be the frozen tundra- otherwise known as Bloomington, Indiana. With nothing to do but write on this long trip, I thought I’d share my love letter to the South.  

To the South:

Thank you for always having grits on the menu.

Thank you for beautiful architecture with years of stories built into the walls.

Thanks for always having actual pulled pork bbq at a Barbecue.

Thank you for rich Southern traditions, the normal and the not-so.

Thank you for sweet gardenias and camellias.

Thank you for big and LOUD families…like mine. 

Thankful that cocktail time, is pretty much anytime (note the aforementioned).

Thank you for hot summer nights and homemade peach ice cream.

Thank you for backroads through pecan orchards.

Thank you for small towns full of big characters.

I can’t believe I’m leaving you but I know I will be back soon!




Summer Travel Essentials


travel essentials
Travel Tuesday: I never leave home without…
1. Maxi Dresses
2. Denim Jacket
3. TKEES Flops
4. Vintage Ray Ban Cats
5. Notebooks- love the ones from Rifle Paper Co.
6. One Love Organics Travel Kit- the ultimate skin care line
7. Lisa Kerns Jewelry– this sea glass bracelet stack reminds me of home.
8. Large Tote- currently coveting this one from Leon+Bella
Hope y’all are having a great week!

Win a Free Pass to The Southern C Summit!


Win a Free Pass to The Southern C Summit!

The Southern C is having another #tscsummit ticket giveaway until July 15!  Share your favorite summer photos via instagram tagged #tscsummer!  A winner will be chosen at random for a free pass to The Southern C Summit in Athens, Georgia August 1, 2013. Good luck y’all and Happy Summer!

To all the mamas…

Happy Mothers Day
Southern mothers are one of a kind- sometimes sweet, sometimes sassy, but always full of love for their little ones. I recently discovered this quote from Lyle Lovett about the Wisdom of a Southern Mother from Garden and Gun.  It reminds me of the sweet, strong, Southern mothers in my life.
Lyle Lovett, musician: When I was growing up, my mom often told me, “There are many correct ways to do something.” I still think about that as I figure out how to move forward each day. My mom always encouraged independent thought, not simply falling in line for the sake of it. That’s only one of many, many, many qualities that I love about her.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the mamas out there…especially mine 🙂  She’s awesome.