Sunday funday photo


My busy week of packing and The Southern C Summit Athens has come to a close.  Time for a little of this…


via pinterest

Happy Sunday y’all!

Sunday Funday photo

Happy Bastille Day! I’m celebrating with Sunday Funday french photo montage! If only I could jump on a plane any day of the week and venture to the land of croissant. If you are like me and daydream of France often, visit Vicki Archer’s Pinterest Page (author of My French Life and French Essence) and you’ll be there in a flash! Most of these images are from Vicki Archer’s Pinterest. 


Via Pinterest


Via Pinterest


Via Pinterest


Via Pinterest


Via Pinterest

french lavender

One of my own- French Lavender

Time for some Pain Au Chocolat- Happy Sunday y’all!

See, Save, and Celebrate!

historic preservation

May is National Historic Preservation month and this year’s theme is See, Save, and Celebrate!  Having completed my masters in August and not currently working in a traditional historic preservation job- I’ve been feeling a little out of the historic preservation loop lately. It seems fitting that today I realized that it is National Preservation Month.

Reading the National Trust Organization’s press release about #presmonth reminded me that it doesn’t really matter if you are a “Preservationist” (proper), to make an impact. Usually the people that cause the most change or have the biggest impact are citizens with a genuine interest or passion for a historic building or landscape. One of the reasons I started this blog was to share interesting historic buildings and sites I discover on the road and to remind myself and others of how much there is to see in our own “backyards.”  If one person sees something they like on the blog and shares it with someone else then I am accomplishing my goal (slowly but surely).

Needwood Baptist Church

Needwood Baptist Church- Brunswick, GA

Needwood Baptist Church is one of my favorite buildings near my hometown of St. Simons Island, Georgia.

needwood baptist

This site is intriguing to me because so few of the vernacular structures of this era are still standing in Glynn County.  It’s amazing to me that this church and the neighboring school house are mostly unharmed except for damage due to age and neglect.  I love double tower church types too- the asymmetry is so unique.  I’m not sure what the solution is to “save” this site but I’m sharing it with y’all in hopes that you can see it.

There are so many beautiful and unique historic places in the South and beyond; if people don’t know about them, then they can’t celebrate them, and ultimately they can’t save them.  So this month- get out there and see, save, and celebrate!

Here are some #presmonth ideas proposed by the National Trust to get you goin’

Community Service Opportunities: Possible projects might include a clean-up day at a local house museum or along a historic Main Street. Consider partnering with other local nonprofit organizations in your area to sponsor the event. This will allow you to forge new relationships to build on in the future and will also provide an opportunity to attract new volunteers that may not be familiar with your organization or site.

Demonstration Projects: Many people who own a historic property enjoy learning more about restoration techniques and new products. Consider hosting lectures, workshops, or demonstrations for historic home owners. Topics might include how to select appropriate paint colors, proper methods to repair older windows, plant choices for historic garden styles, or ideas for improving energy efficiency in older homes.

Special Events: Host building tours, open houses, living history events, and special exhibits for your members and potential new members or supporters. Sponsor a photography contest and post the photos on your website or ask folks to send in letters about their favorite local landmark. Don’t forget to take advantage of social media. Encourage attendees to use Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter to share photos or spread the word. The official hashtag for Preservation Month 2013 is #presmonth.