Friday Five #10

It’s National Ice Cream Month people so here are a few of my favorite scoops.


5. Working Cow– Florida


Fav Flavor-Cappucino kahlua. Cappa Kahlua with sweet chocolate chips, and a chocolate swirl blended into our natural coffee flavored ice cream….Oh Yea

4. King of Pops– Atlanta/Athens, Georgia

king of pops

via Bon Appetit

Not technically ice cream but DELICIOUS! Chocolate Sea Salt and Coconut Lemongrass are my late night vices.

3. Honeysuckle Gelato– Atlanta, Georgia

honeysuckle gelato

All of their flavors are incredible but the Mango-Peach blew my mind.

2. Hand Spun Milkshake- from an old school soda fountain


During our summer vacation, my grandmother loved to treat us to a milk shake from the old soda fountain Gilcrist in Mountain Brook Village. Chocolate of course.

1. High Road Craft Ice Cream

ImageI first discovered High Road at Heirloom Cafe in Athens, Georgia. I saw them again at Food Blog South in January…yes it was freezing outside but sample cups of Aztec Chocolate and Vanilla Fleur de Sel seemed like a necessity at the time. To my surprise and delight they were featured at the first Southern C Summit event on Jekyll Island at the oceanside beach luncheon. I have loved every flavor I’ve tried from them and can’t wait to see what flavors they create next! Fav High Road Flavor so far- Sweet Pea and Mint Sorbet. So unbelievably refreshing, sweet, and herbal- makes the perfect ending to a summer meal.

Cacao Atlanta

I love my husband but I sometimes feel like I’m having an affair with the tall dark and handsome 70% cacao bars I buy. I’m an extreme chocoholic. I’m not at all embarrassed by this affliction- I celebrate it (perhaps too often but you only live once).

cacao atlanta

A few nights ago in Buckhead, en route to Fellini’s Pizza, I spotted Cacao. I am a sucker for a chocolate shop, let alone a charming French patisserie inspired shop…clean and bright, filled with decadent delights. I stopped cold in my tracks- staring (drooling), and said to my mother- “I know where I’ll be at 11am tomorrow.”

cacao atlanta

The next day before hittin’ the road back to Athens, we ran across the street to Cacao for a quick trip to Paris by way of the South. We were welcomed by a pleasant aroma of rich coffee and sweet/bitter chocolate…heavenly. We had a great time chatting with Tricia about the history of the shop and learning about each and every product. The owner/creator Kristen Hard, a classically trained French pastry chef, fell hard for the cacao bean working as a chef around the world and thankfully brought her passion back to the South.

cacao atlanta

Tricia got us started off with some sipping chocolate (divine) and walked us through the different goodies lining the walls. My mother (a packaging junkie) spotted some adorable baskets in the corner used for creating one of a kind gift baskets, so we decided that was the best option. Having a total “Treat Yo Self” moment (Parks and Rec anyone?), I began grabbing anything that peaked my interest. Being a self-proclaimed chocolate connoisseur, I picked up quite the basket.

cacao atlanta

I love how most items are inspired by Southern desserts or flavors…pecan pie truffles, mint julep truffles, Coca-Cola truffles, homemade oatmeal cream pies, cocoa-nib peanut brittle (oh yea). The shop’s commitment to sustainability is also impressive. Each piece of chocolate is hand crafted with the highest quality organic ingredients while honoring the traditional chocolate making processes and everything in the entire store is made in Georgia, with the exception of herbal teas offered on the menu. The Cacao shop in Buckhead also offers – Honeysuckle Gelato– Southern inspired gelato based in Atlanta!

cacao atlanta


cacao atlanta

The decor is sweet and simple and very French. A white and grey palette punctuated by the rich colors of the chocolate and other treats. The art instillation above the cafe tables is equally stunning. Created for their Valentine’s Day celebration, the lovebirds and tiny paper hearts make for a beautiful centerpiece in the shop.

cacao atlanta

cacao atlanta

sweet success

To top off our decadent morning we had to try something from the esspresso lab. I opted for the Shakerato- 3 shots of espresso and vanilla syrup shaken over ice. Buzz buzz y’all.

cacao atlanta

cacao atlanta

A tisket a tasket, I got a chocolate basket!

Since my Cacao visit, I’ve slowly sampled my goodies- or hoarding them if you will. I want to hold on to the dark chocolate goodness as long as I possibly can- or until I reorder them online (bless online shopping)! Stop by one of their three shops in the ATL immediately or visit their online store to get your cacao fix!

Cacao Atlanta- Cacao on Facebook Cacao Twitter

Athens food cart fest

entrance to food cart fest!

After an afternoon of school work, a couple of friends and I headed downtown to catch the tail end of the 1st annual Athens Food Cart Fest.  Several carts from Athens and Atlanta gathered on College Avenue in front of City Hall for a day of food and fun.  The idea actually came from a graduate class in the College of Environment and Design at UGA, and the project team included students from environmental planning, landscape architecture, and historic preservation.  Check out this article in Athens Food and Culture for more info on the creation of the festival.

The event was a sure success as some of the carts were already sold out by the time I made it down there.  Here are some photos from the day…

hungry crowd

gorgeous planters at entrance

cupcake truck 🙂

cupcake from yum yum cupcakes

katie, goldie, and clyde

me and julie

The pups were desperately hoping we’d drop some scraps.

My fav cart of the day was Honeysuckle from Atlanta, which should come as no surprise to anyone that knows me as I am completely obsessed with any ice cream related dessert.  Honeysuckle creates “southern inspired” flavors like moon pie and Georgia brown ale, along with other popular favorites.

honeysuckle cart

honeysuckle menu

mango sorbet and dark chocolate gelato

I can’t ever pass up mango sorbet (living in Hawaii got me hooked on the stuff), so I had a scoop of the “mongo” mango coupled with the “midnight train” dark chocolate.  The mango was a slightly tart (in a good way) and very refreshing; the dark chocolate was the perfect balance- rich and slightly sweet, with a smooth, velvety texture- I could’ve eaten an entire bowl.  Those two scoops were the perfect Saturday treat.

Athens continues to grow as a fun food destination, I think the food carts make a great addition.  I hope this festival will become a permanent fixture on the Athens event calendar.