Friday Five

Been doin’ a lot of reading lately…Here are my five new favorite blogs!

5. Bham Built


Join Bham writer and photographer Jessica Wyrick as she blogs about restoring an old Victorian home in the Woodlawn neighborhood of Birmingham, Alabama.

4. The Broken Plow Blog


Married couple in Southern Indiana blog about their adventures living on a small farm. Their site has beautiful photography and they give great gardening and canning tips.

3. What I Wore

what i wore

image via What I Wore

Fresh personal style blog by Jessica Quirk, former fashion designer turned blogger. She incorporates a wonderful mix of vintage, new, bargain buys, and diy fashion and accessories in her posts. PS she lives in Bloomington- found her blog via A.Z. Vintage– on of my favorite shops downtown.

2. Salted & Styled


image via Salted & Styled

Each week the blog features one food item and it’s muse. I came across the blog because they featured fellow Athenian Angie Tillman of Phickles Pickles. I love her! Beautiful styling and photography; I especially love the floral design posts.


1. Beauty Everyday

images via beauty everyday

Blog created by three Athens, GA artists that documents southern beauty, textures, seasonal southern food, and regional architecture. I’ve followed this one for a while but now that I’m a southern expat, I find I check it more often to get my Southern fix. P.S. Beauty Everyday just came out with a book too- stunning.

Summer Travel Essentials


travel essentials
Travel Tuesday: I never leave home without…
1. Maxi Dresses
2. Denim Jacket
3. TKEES Flops
4. Vintage Ray Ban Cats
5. Notebooks- love the ones from Rifle Paper Co.
6. One Love Organics Travel Kit- the ultimate skin care line
7. Lisa Kerns Jewelry– this sea glass bracelet stack reminds me of home.
8. Large Tote- currently coveting this one from Leon+Bella
Hope y’all are having a great week!

To all the mamas…

Happy Mothers Day
Southern mothers are one of a kind- sometimes sweet, sometimes sassy, but always full of love for their little ones. I recently discovered this quote from Lyle Lovett about the Wisdom of a Southern Mother from Garden and Gun.  It reminds me of the sweet, strong, Southern mothers in my life.
Lyle Lovett, musician: When I was growing up, my mom often told me, “There are many correct ways to do something.” I still think about that as I figure out how to move forward each day. My mom always encouraged independent thought, not simply falling in line for the sake of it. That’s only one of many, many, many qualities that I love about her.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the mamas out there…especially mine 🙂  She’s awesome.

neon and neutrals

neon and neutrals

I’m newly obsessed with neons and neutrals…modern twist on our favorite 1980s trend.  I’m also pretty pumped for my first set on Polyvore!  This addicting fashion focused social media site is pretty cool but beware- it is also a master of time suckage.  Now that my classes are over…I can pretend I’m fashion stylist and interior designer.

Community logo

I noticed recently Community, one of my favorite vintage boutiques in Athens is playing with the neon and neutrals trend in the spring/summer collection of their original clothing line, Community Service.  Community’s owner, Sanni Baumgaertner, says she has always had a love of fashion and the environment, and in 2010 she decided to open a boutique that blended the two. She opened Community and filled the shop with vintage, sustainable and locally-made clothing and accessories.  This allowed her to promote her interest in protecting the environment while giving back to the town she loves.  Baumgaertner is also the designer for Community Service, where she transforms vintage looks that have lost their luster into vibrant new looks that are coveted by coeds and townies alike.  The spring and summer line is full of neons and neutrals in light weight fabrics, perfect for staying in style and beating the balmy heat down here.

Photo by Ian McFarlane, hair by Mary Sigalas at the Georgia Museum of Art

photo by Ian McFarlane

photo courtesy of Community Board

I scored one of the revamped vintage silk tanks with a neon screen print of the community logo..its screams summer.

Community Service silk tank

I love turquoise jewelry so I paired this vintage necklace I found at, Zachary’s Smile, in New York with my new tank.  Still haven’t decided what bottom to to pair with it…if you have any ideas pass them along!