Sunday Funday photo

Happy Bastille Day! I’m celebrating with Sunday Funday french photo montage! If only I could jump on a plane any day of the week and venture to the land of croissant. If you are like me and daydream of France often, visit Vicki Archer’s Pinterest Page (author of My French Life and French Essence) and you’ll be there in a flash! Most of these images are from Vicki Archer’s Pinterest. 


Via Pinterest


Via Pinterest


Via Pinterest


Via Pinterest


Via Pinterest

french lavender

One of my own- French Lavender

Time for some Pain Au Chocolat- Happy Sunday y’all!

To all the mamas…

Happy Mothers Day
Southern mothers are one of a kind- sometimes sweet, sometimes sassy, but always full of love for their little ones. I recently discovered this quote from Lyle Lovett about the Wisdom of a Southern Mother from Garden and Gun.  It reminds me of the sweet, strong, Southern mothers in my life.
Lyle Lovett, musician: When I was growing up, my mom often told me, “There are many correct ways to do something.” I still think about that as I figure out how to move forward each day. My mom always encouraged independent thought, not simply falling in line for the sake of it. That’s only one of many, many, many qualities that I love about her.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the mamas out there…especially mine 🙂  She’s awesome.

Cinco de Mayo!

Olé! Time for one of my favorite holidays…Cinco de Mayo!  After a fun and productive week on Jekyll Island for The Southern C Summit, I will be recouping and relaxing in St. Simons Island, Georgia. 

I know I’ll be keeping it local at my family’s restaurant- Bubba Garcias! Hope y’all have a great weekend!

cinco de mayoWant some other Cinco de Mayo spots in the South? Check out some of my favs here!

National chocolate mousse day

National Chocolate Mousse Day! Might be my new favorite holiday 🙂 I am head over heels for the chocolate mousse at Anis Bistro in Atlanta!  If you are ever in the Buckhead area you must go….

chocolate mousse

image via Table Travels

Valentine’s Day

Paris Breakfasts

image via Paris Breakfasts Blog

Or as I most commonly refer to it…Treat yourself day.  Even as a single lady, I’ve always loved Valentine’s Day.   Who doesn’t love a day where you have carte blanche to buy a new outfit (or two), drink champagne, have an extravagant four course dinner, and eat as many cupcakes as you want.  Relationship status aside- next to birthdays, Valentine’s Day is a great day to celebrate yourself and the people you love.

Haven’t decided what my hubby and I are doing this V-day but I have a feeling it will involve some of this…


image via Paris Breakfasts Blog

and a lot of this…

cacao atlanta

Cacao Atlanta image via Garden and Gun

Whatever you do this V-Day just remember to indulge, celebrate, and enjoy!