About Emily Hines

Forever wandering and always curious. I’m Emily Hines and I got bitten by the bug at age 10 on a trip to Washington D.C. I haven’t slowed down since! This Georgia Peach was raised in the South, part of a big, LOUD, family full of characters; my creativity and inquisitive nature was always encouraged. With degrees in art history and historic preservation, I have an affinity for heritage travel and all things antique. Obsessions include: suzani textiles, craftsman bungalows, and demitasse cups. I’m a freelance writer and social media manager hooked on cruising backroads, photographing old houses, and loving all things local.

Eat Well Travel Often: New Orleans, Louisiana

Eat Well Travel Often: New Orleans, Louisiana

Haight Ashbury

haight ashbury

The corner of Haight and Ashbury is famous for being the center of the hippie counterculture, beat movement, and the Summer of Love during the 1960s. With plenty of vacant Victorians to rent, and cheap rent, people from all over came to settle in The Haight. The bohemian experience was amplified by the number of psychedelic bands that also made their home in The Haight..

amoeba music

haight ashbury

It should come as no shock that I love old buildings. When visiting a new place, I enjoy venturing out with my camera and strolling the streets. No agenda, just exploring, taking photos of interesting buildings, people, and occasionally popping into shops and restaurants.


via Atlelier-M Living

On my recent trip to San Francisco, I spent an afternoon exploring Haight Ashbury. The unusual sounds, neon album art, and happy floral clothing of the era have captivated me from a young age. So much so, my senior art history thesis focused on psychedelic art of the 60s. The majority of the poster art from this era was inspired by the music, bands, and people living in this neighborhood. It was exciting to finally walk the same streets; Janis Joplin, Jefferson Airplane, and Jerry Garcia were in my head the whole day.

haight ashbury

haight ashbury

haight ashbury

haight ashbury

haight ashbury

haight ashbury

One of the most famous bands that called Haight Ashbury home was the Grateful Dead. Their house at 710 Ashbury was the place to be back in the day…I had to see it for myself.

jerry garcia

Sadly the house was covered in scaffolding but at least it was being maintained.

jerry garcia

The neighborhood has changed dramatically since the Summer of Love. There are tourists (like myself) lining the streets, vintage shops, boutiques, colorful graffiti, restaurants, groupies from days gone by, and kids fresh off the bus wanting to live the life on the streets of the Haight. The drum circles are still on Hippie Hill, street kids peddling “magic” brownies, but the neighborhood is very different from the free love epicenter it once was.  It was pretty cool to see it though.

Sunday funday photo


“There was nowhere to go but everywhere, so just keep on rolling under the stars.”
Jack KerouacOn the Road: The Original Scroll

puget sound

The Southern C Summit Giveaway


Here’s the skinny- The Southern C is The Social Network for the South. An online community where members chat about all aspects of the South: tradition, family, fashion, food… You get the idea. As a member of their C-Team, I’m giving away a free ticket to one of my lucky readers to the next summit event in the Music City- Nasvhville, Tennessee!


The first summit was in my hometown backyard of Jekyll Island; the second in the Classic City: Athens, Georgia where I lived for several years. Both were fantastic- a great blend of work and play with learning sessions, networking, cocktail parties, and even live music. Now that I’m living outside the South, I feel even more excited about #tscsummit Nashville because I get to return to the South and explore a new town!

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So…if you have a blog, biz, or brand and want to learn from professionals like Amy Flurry of Recipe for Press, hob nob with Southern Living’s Editor in Chief Lindsay Bierman, eat some tasty Southern food from Callie’s Charleston Biscuits and Husk Restaurant, then enter this giveaway!

First: Join The Southern C!


Next: Leave a comment below telling me why you want to come to The Southern C Summit in Nashville! You can also leave a comment on my facebook page or tweet to me @emsontheroad with tag #tscsummit!

Contest ends September 27!

Need more reasons to come to The Southern C Summit? Here are 10!

Visit http://www.thesoutherncsummit.com for full schedule and presenter info!

tscsummitThis giveaway includes a ticket for admission to The Southern C Summit Nashville, October 17, 2013. It is not transferable to any future summit events and cannot be redeemed for cash.