Summer Travel Essentials


travel essentials
Travel Tuesday: I never leave home without…
1. Maxi Dresses
2. Denim Jacket
3. TKEES Flops
4. Vintage Ray Ban Cats
5. Notebooks- love the ones from Rifle Paper Co.
6. One Love Organics Travel Kit- the ultimate skin care line
7. Lisa Kerns Jewelry– this sea glass bracelet stack reminds me of home.
8. Large Tote- currently coveting this one from Leon+Bella
Hope y’all are having a great week!

Friday Five #12

5 things I’m looking forward to at #tscsummit Athens!

5. I’ve gotten pretty attached to my home-base of Athens, Georgia these past three years. I’m so excited to share the Classic City with people from all over the South and beyond for this event!

athens i love you

via Athens I Love You

4. Southern SWAG!

swag3. Cocktails and Conversation at the Georgia Theatre


Can’t wait to hear from this panel of experts: Southern Living Executive Food Editor Hunter Lewis with Executive Chef of Farm 255 and season 9 Top Chef contestant, Whitney Otawka, Holeman and Finch Public House Partner and James Beard Foundation Awards “Outstanding Bar Program” semifinalist, Greg Best and Food and Wine’s Best New Chef: Southeast Peter Dale of The National. Not to mention delicious food and drink provided by the Southern Living Test Kitchen, Epting Events, Cathead Vodka, and Charred Oak Spirits!
2. New Speakers
shameeka ayers

I’m so excited to see Shakeeka Ayers speak this go ’round! I’ve enjoyed following her sweet and sassy posts for a while now and can’t wait to hear her story. Her session is entitled- Everything I Needed To Know About Building My Brand, I Learned From The Kardashians (Yes, Those Kardashians…). Love it.

1. Connecting


Catching up with old friends and meeting new ones- This is what it’s all about.

To learn more or register for The Southern C Summit Athens click here.

What is a Hoosier?

Well, it’s official. My husband and I are moving to Bloomington, Indiana.  I can’t believe we have to say goodbye to Athens, Georgia and the South, but I’m excited for a new adventure. I look forward to exploring a new region and discovering the best of the Mid-West! Stay tuned as I photograph, shop, and eat my way through Hoosier country.


historic courthouse on the city square

Don’t worry though- I’ll still be sharing some Southern goodness with y’all. After all “you can take a girl out of the South, but can’t take the South out of the girl.”

P.S. Anyone know what a hoosier is?

Sweet Summer

Summer is the sweetest of seasons… growing up I longed for the summer months.  No school, long days at the beach, movie matinees, summer vacations, and visits to the ice cream shop. A particularly favorite summer past time for me as a young child was going to the country with my grandparents and picking all the fruit we could possible carry.  My siblings and I were quite young and often dragged our buckets along the way unable to carry our found treats. When we had buckets full of peaches, strawberries, blackberries, or blueberries, we would head back home to “put them up.” The majority would be made into preserves and some were used for a cobbler or two.

My grandfather, a surgeon by day, also enjoyed playing farmer and cook in his off time. My grandmother often referred to these hobbies as his golf game. When we were in the kitchen helping him prepare the rewards from his garden, he would move us about the room much like his nurses in the ER.  “Hand me that jar!”… “Keep stirring!”… “No, not that pan, hand me that one!” He ran a tight ship in and out of the kitchen, and we were overjoyed to be his sous chefs. Many times, we diligently assisted him in creating some delicious delights for our family and countless friends to enjoy throughout the year.

This summer in particular, like those of my childhood, have been fruitful.  Every chance I get, I head outside of town visiting the area’s U-Pick farms filling up as many buckets as I can carry. I love to eat the freshly picked fruit by the handful, and then I take the rest (if there is any left) and make a batch of preserves or bake a sweet summer fruit cobbler just like I had been taught as a child.

strawberry picking

friend and berry enthusiast- Dorothy


found the tooth berry

thomas orchards

Thomas Orchard Stand

I love all the summer fruits, but the star of the summer for me are blueberries- sweet, a little tart, and delicious. Here’s a simple recipe that has been passed down in our family that is perfect for summer blueberries and sure to satisfy your sweet tooth.

blueberry picking
Hamrick Family Cobbler (does well with any fruit)
Fill a large pot on the stove with approximately 3 cups of washed blueberries. Add as much sugar as desired for sweetness.  Cover the blueberries just slightly with water.  Cook the blueberries on low heat until soft.
In a separate bowl, gradually mix all purpose flour into a half cup of water until smooth then add this to  the berries on the stove. This will thicken, but the mixture still needs to be juicy. Reduce the heat and put to the side.
Grease the bottom of pyrex dish with butter.
Use your favorite biscuit recipe.  Roll the dough out to 1/4″ thickness and cut four 3 inch wide strips to line the sides of the pyrex dish.
Pour the berry mixture into the dish.
Cut the remaining dough into 3 inch wide strips and cover the top of the fruit mixture. Dot top of pie with butter and sprinkle with sugar.
Bake at 350 degrees until brown. Top with vanilla bean ice cream to rock your world.
blueberry cobbler

via pinterest

My husband and I devoured ours before I remembered to photograph it.

This post was previously published on The Southern C

Sunday Funday photo

Happy Bastille Day! I’m celebrating with Sunday Funday french photo montage! If only I could jump on a plane any day of the week and venture to the land of croissant. If you are like me and daydream of France often, visit Vicki Archer’s Pinterest Page (author of My French Life and French Essence) and you’ll be there in a flash! Most of these images are from Vicki Archer’s Pinterest. 


Via Pinterest


Via Pinterest


Via Pinterest


Via Pinterest


Via Pinterest

french lavender

One of my own- French Lavender

Time for some Pain Au Chocolat- Happy Sunday y’all!

Friday Five #11

Summer Reading List

5. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil: John Berendt

midnight in the garden

Seductive murder mystery set in Savannah, Georgia- I need to revisit this one.

4. The Yonahlossee Riding Camp for Girls: Anton Disclafani


summer reading


I got this recommendation from fellow C-Team member, Mary Boyce Hicks. High society Southern debutantes at an equestrian boarding school set in the 1930s- sounds right up my alley. Check out Mary Boyce’s full list of Southern Summer Reading here.

3. Sookie Stackhouse Series: Charlene Harris

sookie stackhouse

Addicting is the word that comes to mind when talking about this series.  I’ve read several and can’t get enough.


2. Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg

fried green tomatoes


Hard to beat this classic Southern novel.

1. The Prince of TidesPat Conroy

pat conroy

I’m so embarrassed to admit that I haven’t read any of Pat Conroy books. My stepfather, was a huge Conroy fan, told me this is the one to start with.

What’s on your summer reading list?


1st Giveaway!

harlan hambright

“Historical and Hysterical: Pyramids in Cairo, Temples in Athens, a Shroud in Turin, a Library in Ephesus, and, yes, even the Barber of Seville- they’re all in Georgia if you know where to look. Take a trip around the world without leaving the Peach State in this unusual tour that is sometimes historic, sometimes informative, sometimes absurd and almost always humorous. Based on Homer’s Odyssey, this is an entertaining yet educational study of the Empire State of the South.”

Winner will receive a signed copy of The Idiat and The Odd-yssey!

I’m so excited to host my first giveaway with The Idiat and The Odd-yssey. The author, Harlan Hambright, is a longtime family friend and talented architectural photographer, whose work has inspired me for years.

To Enter: please leave a comment below on why you want to win, what you love about Georgia, or your thoughts on historic preservation. If you share on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest- you can earn an extra entry for each (don’t forget to tag #emsontheroad)! Contest Starts today and will end Monday July 22! 

About the Author: harlan hambrightTo purchase or learn more about the book click here.

Contest is now closed.