Sunday funday photo

angelica houston and jack nicholson

image via Life Magazine Online Archives

A little vintage Oscar fashion for you today…Jack Nicholson and Angelica Houston at The Oscars in 1976.

Fashion on parade tonight!  Who are you most excited to see? 


B-Town (Bloomington that is)

I have recently returned from the frozen tundra of Indiana…well it seemed that cold to me.  The possibility of moving there grows near so Ryan and I went to visit.  He checked out his possible PHD program and I was in charge of checkin’ out the town.

Being the travel nerd I am, upon arrival I whipped out my laptop and quickly began the search for dinner options.  After a 9 hour drive from Athens and limited food options en route, we were in need of some serious grub.  Our go to meal is almost always pizza so that was my mission.  Luckily I found a good lookin’ local pizza place only a mile from our hotel.  We strapped on our boots (I finally got to bust out my sweet Sorels) and down coats and headed out on a chilly stroll to Mother Bear’s Pizza.

Mother Bear's Pizza

image courtesy

A cozy hole in the wall pizza joint with an enticing aroma of delicious dough, homemade marinara, and pepperoni…exactly what we needed after the long haul.  We ordered a couple Bells Best Brown Ales and hunkered down in a booth. They had so many options, but with a little help from our patient server we decided on The Cosmo.    Homemade vodka sauce, smoked bacon, house-made Italian sausage, and portabello mushrooms,  and asiago cheese- hard to go wrong.

mother bears pizzaNeedless to say the pizza was epic.

While Ryan met with faculty and other phd students, I surveyed our possible new home. Each day I laced up my sorels and threw on my down coat and roamed the freezing streets in search of fashion, food, and antiques.  Mission accomplished.  Here are some highlights from my Bloomington wanderings.

Blu Boy Chocolate

blu boy choclate

image courtesy blu boy chocolate

Located in downtown Bloomington, Blu Boy Chocolate Cafe and Cakery is just what it sounds like….delicious.  I ordered an americano and at the suggestion of the barista the salted caramel ganache brownie.  Um yea.  It was incredible.  So rich, I ate on it for days.

blu boy chocolateThey also had a beautiful assortment of handmade chocolates with flavors like dulce de leche, ancho chili and cinnamon, and blood orange, how could a girl resist!

blu boy chocolate

blue boy choclate

image courtesy blu boy chocolate

Loved their location- sharing the bottom floor of the historic theater downtown.

Historic TheaterA.Z Vintage: Antique store specializing in the mid-century modern era.

a.z. vintage

image courtesy a.z. vintage

a.z. vintage

image via a.z. vintage

Yarn Bombs

Yes this is a thing.  Knitting to Heal is a fundraiser in Bloomington that started in October of 2012 by Middle Way House a residence and service center for victims of domestic abuse.  In Knitting to Heal, several local businesses sponsor one of the trees around the downtown Square. The tree trunks are wrapped in squares made of knitted or crocheted fabric sewn together as “sweaters.” Volunteers, including women who use Middle Way House services, have supplied all of the uniquely patterned squares.  With 23 trees decorated, this fundraiser has raised over $10,000.

yarn bombsyarn bomb

Upland Brewing Company

upland brewery

image via

Their beer is the star obviously but the restaurant has a good selection of bar/pub food and most of it locally sourced.  The brewery is known for the Upland Wheat beer but with the temp in the teens, I wasn’t in the mood for that.  My fav was the Bad Elmer’s Porter- dark, slighty sweet and oh so velvety.

Although our trip was short, we got a great taste of Bloomington!


The Southern C Summit


I am so excited about the upcoming Southern C Summit in May!  If you haven’t heard about it yet…

We are bringing together the best of the southern blogging community, businesses and brands for learning and networking opportunities. Our intimate niche gathering of southern creatives will offer rich content, conversation and collaboration all overlooking the Atlantic Ocean.  Jam-packed with educational sessions, panel discussions and keynote presentations from well-known southern names and social media leaders, attendees will learn useful take-away information and strategic ideas to implement immediately.

Be inspired by our speakers. Be inspired by one another. Share ideas. Sharpen your skills. Discover what works. Make connections. Form friendships.

To help promote the first annual summit we are having a photo contest on facebook and the prize is a free pass to the summit!  Check it out- only 11 days left!

the southern c summitThe event is going to take place on Jekyll Island, Georgia, near my hometown of St. Simons Island.  We’ve got a fabulous group of presenters, including Carrie Morey of Callie’s Charleston Biscuits and Erin Shaw Street of Southern Living and a fun schedule of activities!  We are still offering early bird pricing so if you are interested in coming to the Golden Isles to learn how to elevate your blog or brand- register today!

Jekyll Island

Valentine’s Day

Paris Breakfasts

image via Paris Breakfasts Blog

Or as I most commonly refer to it…Treat yourself day.  Even as a single lady, I’ve always loved Valentine’s Day.   Who doesn’t love a day where you have carte blanche to buy a new outfit (or two), drink champagne, have an extravagant four course dinner, and eat as many cupcakes as you want.  Relationship status aside- next to birthdays, Valentine’s Day is a great day to celebrate yourself and the people you love.

Haven’t decided what my hubby and I are doing this V-day but I have a feeling it will involve some of this…


image via Paris Breakfasts Blog

and a lot of this…

cacao atlanta

Cacao Atlanta image via Garden and Gun

Whatever you do this V-Day just remember to indulge, celebrate, and enjoy!

The Southern Coterie- TSC

One of my many professional hats is working as social media coordinator for The Southern C- the social network for the South. Today the network creators, Whitney and Cheri, were featured on Southern Living’s Daily South! So exciting! We are gearing up for our Southern C Summit in May so check out our website for more info.

Just Bead It.

Recycling, Art, and Mardi Gras.  What do they have in common?  Quite a bit for New Orleans artist- Stephan Wanger.

new orleans bead art

image courtesy Galeria Alegria

My friends and I stumbled upon Wanger’s gallery/studio space by accident while shopping on Magazine Street in New Orleans.  Stephan Wanger is a self-taught artist who channels his creative energy into assembling brightly colored mosaics using recycled Mardi Gras beads. Although not formally trained, his work seems to reference fine artists like Seurat and Lichtenstein with similar repeating dot compositions.  Stephan recreates iconic Louisiana images to make the innate beauty and unique culture of this area available to the world.

One of my favorite pieces he did ended up gracing the cover of New Orleans Magazine.

New Orleans Magazine

March Cover New Orleans Magazine

He aims to bring attention to the global warming crisis through the use of recycled materials in fine art. Mardi Gras parades generate about 10,000 tons of trash distributed along the entire gulf coast every year, most of which is beads.  Wanger collects discarded beads throughout Mardi Gras in an effort to clean post-parade debris, but regularly visits salvage yards to gather additional materials for his work.  Through his art, he hopes to inspire the citizens of Louisiana to recycle and to create, and encourage the rest of the world to appreciate the unique culture and natural beauty that Louisiana has to offer.

In January of 2012- Wanger completed a Guinness World Record for the World’s Largest mosaic called “Santuary of Alegria” (pictured below).  The mosaic is 8’x30′ and depicts the skyline of New Orleans.

If you are ever shopping on Magazine Street in Nola,  stop by his gallery and take a peek!

Find out more here:

Sunday funday photo

A little food porn for y’all this Sunday.

Hot and Hot Fish Club

Simple Grilled Fish from Hot and Hot Fish Club

After all, it is Super Bowl Sunday; also known as “I’m just gonna eat and drink as much as I possibly can today…” because some big men are running around a really big yard and hitting each other.   Whether you are watching the game today or catching up on all things Downton (like me),  have a good one!